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More spaces for summer activity clubs!
"If it wasn’t for you he’d go stir crazy" Read about the impact our holiday club has for Josh and his family, and how new funding has created more spaces for Southampton families!
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The Right to Play: new play spaces opened
New soft play and respite garden officially opened as part of our ongoing Right to Play Project.
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Big Give 2023 - April's Story
Read how your Big Give donation will be doubled to help young people like April do their favourite things!
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Big Give 2023 - Noah's Story
Read how your Big Give donation will be doubled to help young people like Noah continue to have fun with friends!
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Big Give 2023 - Lola's Story
Read how your Big Give donation will be doubled to help young people like Lola enjoy new experiences.
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100-mile, 4-day South Downs fundraising challenge for Rose Road CEO
Steve and Charlie's challenge to walk the 100 mile South Downs Way in just 4 days raises almost £3,000!
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Mace Foundation awards £22,500
Rose Road receives £22,500 towards sensory and soft play rooms redevelopment thanks to family nomination.
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Birthday Triathlon raises over £2,600
Support Worker Wendy brings together family and friends to complete mini triathlon to mark her 60th birthday and support Rose Road.
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Rose Road garden improvements underway
Projects planned to transform the Acorns and Oaks gardens and outdoor spaces to create new sensory environments.
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8-year endowment fund secured
New 8-year £1 million EGF endownment fund will help keep doors open and lights on at Rose Road.
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New funding for inclusive activities
New funding will give disabled children and young people a say in improving inclusive provision across the city.
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3-year Partnership Raises over £51,000
Celebrating the completion of a successsful three-year corporate partnership with Ordnance Survey.
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Rose Rose retain 'Good' Ofsted rating
Rose Road are pleased to retain 'Good' Ofstead rating. Read our full response.
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Celebrating Accessible Rail Travel
Rose Road staff and families come together to celebrate project enabling accessible rail travel.
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